
5 Solid Reasons Why Real Estate Agents/Property Managers Use Keyword-Based Text Marketing?

As we spend more time in front of screens and our attention gets tugged in multiple directions, our attention spans are shortening. For that reason, real estate agents and property managers need a tool that helps them effectively compete for the fickle attention of prospective customers. Real estate text message marketing is one such tool.

米any leading digital marketing agencies include SMS marketing in their core strategy to make sure real estate agents and property managers get the maximum return on their marketing investment by reaching a vast audience of potential customers. Here are five important reasons why successful real estate agents and property managers include text marketing in their core marketing strategy.

1. Customers actually open and read SMSs

Of all the marketing channels, SMS provides one of the highest open-rates. The open-rate for SMS is 90% whereas that of email messages is 20%. This means that far more people are more likely to open your SMS compared to those that may open your promotional emails. That also means that SMS marketing is the most effective channel to use when real estate agents or property managers need to send out time-critical messages.

2. Text marketing easily integrates into marketing campaigns

Successful real estate agents and property managers rely on marketing campaigns that effectively integrate multiple channels. For that reason, many of them choose text marketing because, in addition to being a powerful standalone marketing tool, it works well with other marketing channels, such as email marketing and social media marketing.

You can integrate your real estate text message marketing into your social media and email marketing campaigns by using SMSs to provide incentives. For example, you can create a social media contest and inform your followers that those who subscribe to your SMS program will receive additional bonuses and inside information on product news.

3. SMS provides an effective way to obtain feedback from customers

SMS provides an effective way for real estate agents and property managers to receive feedback from customers through SMS surveys. These surveys enable you to easily connect with your customers and obtain insights such as how satisfied they are with your services.

Compared to other channels of delivering surveys to your customers, SMS is uniquely advantageous because it provides a high response rate, quick response, and more accurate responses thanks to modern tools such as the keyword based autoresponder for real estate. Furthermore, SMS surveys are inexpensive and easy to set up.

4. SMS marketing enhances customer engagement

Text marketing gives real estate agents and property managers a way to enhance customer engagement throughout the customer journey. Businesses keep customers engaged by varying the content they send. Keep in mind that even though many customers don’t mind receiving news and updates via text, it’s best to use email when you need to send out messages that are lengthier and more creative.

Too many marketers mistakenly believe that SMSs are invasive. In reality, many people don’t mind receiving texts from local businesses (e.g., hairdressers and dentists) and public services (such as a utility company).

5. Text marketing campaigns are easy to monitor and improve

Text marketing enables real estate agents and property managers to effectively track the returns on their marketing investments and qualify the best leads by, among other ways, monitoring delivery rates. More and more successful marketers are learning how to track the performance of text marketing campaigns and integrating the insights they obtain with analytics from other marketing channels such as social media and email marketing.

从文本分析和见解的营销支持real estate agents and property managers to develop highly targeted marketing campaigns and gain a stronger grip on the market. As a result, real estate professionals benefit from low-cost marketing and generate impressive returns on their marketing investments.

A post by Kidal D. (5897 Posts)

Kidal D. is author at LeraBlog. The author's views are entirely their own and may not reflect the views and opinions of LeraBlog staff.