



  • 锥形清管器
  • 刷毛管清洁器
  • 普通或超蓬松的管道清洁器
  • 管道甜味剂或谷物酒精
  • 柄刷或棉签
  • 管扩眼器
  • 管具或镐








首先,警告:不要在管子还热的时候把它拔下来。这将导致阀杆松动,并可能导致你开裂的柄或折断榫头的管道。在每次吸烟结束时,你的烟斗应该得到良好的清洁。让管子冷却,然后搅拌碗底剩下的烟灰和斑点。将一根手指或手掌放在碗上,摇动烟斗几秒钟,使烟灰沿碗内壁均匀分布,这将大大加快“蛋糕”的形成,在烟斗内形成一层碳化烟草和烟灰的保护层。蛋糕作为一个绝缘体,大大延长你的管道的寿命,防止烧坏。请参阅下面的定期清洁部分,了解如何维护蛋糕。倒出剩余的灰分和斑点,用刷毛管清洁器穿过蛋糕梗,直到碗底隐约可见为止。取出它,或者把它转过来,或者用另一个管道清洁器,重复这个过程,直到管道清洁器干净。用唾液沾湿一个清洁烟斗的管子,然后用它擦拭吹口,清除那里的任何积聚物。轻轻吹过烟斗的茎,清除任何剩余的烟灰,用软布擦拭你的烟斗,也许是浸渍了化合物,如Briar pipe wipe。 If you wish, you may insert a regular pipe cleaner into the stem of the pipe before placing it back on the rack, in order to absorb any residual moisture, but if you are diligent in using your pipe cleaners, this is not necessary. Place the pipe back on it’s rack or stand and allow it to rest, hopefully for two to four days before it is smoked again.


有时,你会想要对你的烟斗进行一次更彻底的清洁,而不仅仅是在吸烟后擦拭烟斗梗。大多数吸烟者都有规律地这样做,有些人甚至在他们所有的烟斗都抽过一次之后才这样做,从而为自己提供了一个新鲜、干净的烟斗旋转。你需要做一些实验,看看多长时间做一次收紧,以找到最适合你的方法。开始清洁时,小心地从碗中取出管子的茎,把两段管子放在纸巾上。用普通的管道清洁剂蘸上酒精,从榫头到吹口,穿过管道杆。它很可能会带着一点黑色或棕色的粘稠物出来。用干燥的管道清洁剂,重复这个步骤,直到湿的管道清洁剂出来的时候颜色和进去的时候一样。将最后一个干燥的管道清洁器通过,去除任何水分,并将阀杆放在一边。使用用酒精浸湿的硬毛管道清洁剂,用力擦洗管道的气孔,交替使用干燥的普通管道清洁剂。不要害怕使用大量的管道清洁器来做这件事。 Pipe cleaners are cheap, new pipes aren’t. If the airhole of your pipe is large enough in diameter that there is little resistance when you do this, you may want to fold the cleaner in half in order to scrub the sides of the airhole properly. Once your dry pipe cleaner comes out of the airhole the same color it was when it went in, run one more dry cleaner through the airhole to absorb any residual moisture. Using a cotton swab or shank brush, clean out the tenon, the portion of the pipe where the stem attaches to the bowl. a doubled over regular pipe cleaner will do in a pinch. If your stem or bowl has a band, now is the time to polish it, using a good silver, or other metal, polish, depending on what your band is made of. Carefully reinsert the stem into the bowl, and give the pipe a good wipe with a soft cloth, perhaps impregnated with a compound such as Briar Pipe Wipe. Cleaning over, allow your pipe to sit for a day or so before smoking it, to allow the alcohol to completely evaporate. If you have cleaned most or all of your briar pipes at once, now is a good time to smoke your meerschaums and corncobs you have been neglecting.
